Pixii Festival
© DR

Digital mediation: the Institut français, partner of the PiXii Connected Edition

Digital creation

Updated on 18/08/2020

As an extension of the Focus on "Cultural innovation and digital mediation" organised in June 2019, the Institut français is partnering with the 2020 edition of the PiXii Festival, the festival of digital cultures, whose Connected Edition will be held from 22 to 25 June 2020.

An event backed by the Sunny Side of the Doc Festival, since 2017 the PiXii Festival has showcased the best digital installations and narrative experiences created at the intersection of documentary, culture and immersive technologies. It connects content creators and innovative technology companies- virtual reality, 3D imaging, 3D sound, domes, applications etc. - with cultural decision-makers (museums, heritage institutions and cultural places etc.).

In partnership with the French cultural network abroad, the Institut français encourages the participation of foreign decision-makers (museums, heritage institutions, cultural places etc.) in this connected edition to promote the export of French know-how and develop international cooperation. On this occasion, the Institut français will present its “Cultural Innovation and Digital Mediation” catalogue, which references over 50 French bodies active in this sector to promote the marketing of their know-how and expertise internationally. This catalogue highlights new forms of creation, content and digital mediation services; it aims to support the international development of French companies in the sector, promote the expertise of French cultural institutions and promote co-productions and collaborations between companies, French institutions and foreign cultural institutions.

Meet the executives avec Agnès Alfandari - PiXii Festival
Meet the executives avec Agnès Alfandari - PiXii Festival