Reorganisation of the Institut français
Updated on 19/05/2022
The Institut français is adopting a new organisational structure in order to be more in line with its priorities and more transparent for its partners. This new organisation chart is being put in place at a time when the public establishment in charge of France's external cultural action is celebrating its 100th anniversary.
The Institut français, the public body in charge of France's cultural action abroad, is the product of a 100-year history and the sum of the entities that have made it up over time.
Today, it is a major player in France's foreign cultural diplomacy and consequently in its diplomatic influence.
With this reorganisation, the Institut français has set itself the following objectives:
- To be more in line with the strategic orientations set by its supervisory ministries (Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture)
- To make its action more visible and more legible to its French and foreign partners
- To review its working methods and its operations for greater agility
This proposal gives rise to an organisational scheme consisting of 5 directorates and a general secretariat that is expanded but refocused on its core business:
Cooperation, Dialogue, Language and Societies Department
organised in 5 divisions :
- French Language and Multilingualism Division
- Debate and Citizenship Division
- European Partnerships Division
- Culture and Charity Partnerships Division
- Local Authority Partnerships Division
Support for the French Cultural Network Abroad Department
organised in 3 divisions :
- Training and Institutional Development Division
- Geographical Coordination Division
- Online Presence and Digital Expertise Division
Artistic Creation and Cultural Industries Department
organised in 5 divisions :
- Cinema and Series Division
- Digital and Audiovisual Creation Division
- Books and Publishing Division
- Visual Arts, Architecture, Design and Fashion Division
- Music and Performing Arts Division
Mobilities and International Events Department
organised in 4 divisions :
- Professional Mobility Division
- Residencies Division
- French Presence in International Events Division
- Seasons & Highlights Division
Communication and Sponsorship Department
General Secretary
organised in 2 departments :
- Human Relations & Social Commitment Department
- Financial, Legal & IT Department
The Board of Directors of the Institut français, meeting in a special session on 12 January, adopted this reorganisation project.