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Afrotopiques, un podcast de pensée critique
© DR

Afrotopiques, a podcast of critical thought

Marie-Yemta Moussanang is behind the microphone of Afrotopiques, addressing contemporary questions from the perspectives of Southern countries and the African worlds in particular, through a series of interviews with intellectuals and builders of firm alternatives.

Updated on 07/06/2021

2 min

The Afrotopiques podcast explores the major contemporary questions, from agriculture to philosophy and urbanism to memory. In the episodes, we can hear prestigious researchers and intellectuals as much as artists, militants or those with initiatives who have true potential in social transformation.

The Franco-Chadian Marie-Yemta Moussanang, independent researcher and founder of the Génération Afrotopia association, created the Afrotopiques podcast, inspired by the book Afrotopia (2016) by the Senegalese intellectual Felwine Sarr, which invites Africa to rise up to its potential.

Génération Afrotopia has set itself the objective of contributing to research, collection, reappropriation and circulation of the Afro-diasporic immaterial cultural heritage (knowledge, memories, eco-socio-cultural practices). The ambition of studio Génération Afrotopia is to document Afro-diasporic immaterial cultural heritage and circulate ideas and knowledge through a podcast.

Through the Afrotopiques podcast and moments from meetings which take place around it, Marie-Yemta Moussanang is driven by the wish to bring out original initiatives and concrete initiatives from Southern countries, which open new perspectives of contemporary problems.

For a year now Marie-Yemta Moussanang has been inviting figures of life on the African continent and its diasporas to share knowledge and experiences. From the political specialist Malcom Ferdinand, author of Écologie décoloniale published by Seuil in 2019, to the architect Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou, who works in Lomé in Togo to redefine the intelligent and sustainable city in an inclusive way, she gives them the opportunity to share the details of their thoughts, without sacrificing complexity.

Marie-Yemta Moussanang
Marie-Yemta Moussanang © DR
Marie-Yemta Moussanang, fondatrice de l’association Génération Afrotopia / founder of the Génération Afrotopia association

Today Afrotopiques counts around twenty one-hour episodes in French, freely available to listen to on many podcast platforms. In particularly it is broadcast on R22 Tout-Monde, a collaborative webradio launched in 2014 stemming from the collaboration between Khiasma, arts centre in Seine-Saint-Denis, and Appartement 22, an artistic third place in Rabat, in Morocco.

Through these meetings, as its broadcaster says in the first manifesto episode, Afrotopiques proposes to “focus our attention on the world heritage of reinvention, adaptation solutions drawn up in non-industrial societies “, to “look at the present and imagine the future from what the Africa-world enables to be envisaged, from the immaterial resources it supports, to lay the bases for reinventing societies and draw the contours of sustainable, bearable and habitable models, by everyone and for everyone”.

Based on the success of the Afrotopiques podcast, today the Génération association is developing a “Maison d’édition d’oralités” (oralities publishing house) project, a podcast production studio that will conceive and develop other sound creations rooted in the founder’s editorial policy: “emancipating knowledge and living memories”.

Discover the Afrotopiques podcasts  

The Institut français and the podcast

The Afrotopiques podcast is available on Culturethèque. The Culturethèque platform, developed by the Institut français, is accessible in 130 countries and offers content that covers all of cultural production in French. The Afrotopiques podcast will therefore fit in with a rich African catalogue in the Culturethèque.

Even though in 2021 and in many countries, from Mexico to Nigeria and from Brazil to the Ivory Coast, the French cultural network will explore the thought of Africa and its diasporas, the Afrotopiques podcast will therefore be an opportunity to continue the reflection.

L'institut français, LAB