Discover the special Cameroon issue of L'Oeil magazine!
In February 2022, the editor-in-chief of the art magazine L'Oeil, Fabien Simode, accompanied the President of the Institut français, Eva Nguyen Binh, on a trip to Cameroon for the opening of the exhibition Sur la route des chefferies du Cameroun, du visible à l'invisible, at the Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac. In Cameroon they met many local artists and cultural stakeholders, whose passion and commitment inspired Fabien Simode to create an original collaboration. Thus was born the idea of relocating the magazine L'OEil to produce a special issue on art and heritage in Cameroon, with an editorial team made up entirely of cultural journalists and art critics from the country.
The project came to fruition in October 2022 with a residency in Yaoundé, at the invitation of the Institut français of Cameroon. This "editorial and human adventure", to quote Fabien Simode, allows you to discover the extraordinary cultural and creative vitality of this "Africa in miniature".
Updated on 01/12/2022
10 min