Launch of the 2024 calls for applications for the CITF's two support programmes
The Commission internationale du théâtre francophone (CITF) was set up in 1987 to promote multilateral theatrical creation and touring projects. It provides financial support under two programmes. The Institut français provides the general secretariat of the CITF since 2022.
Calls for the CITF's two annual support programmes - Exploration/Research and Creation/Circulation - are open until 22 April 2024!
Updated on 04/07/2024
5 min
The Creation/Circulation programme
It supports co-productions at all stages: creation, production and touring. Each project must involve at least three artistic partners (including at least two companies) from three governments in French-speaking countries (member or observer countries of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie), on at least three continents. It must also provide for a commitment and programming of the creation on at least four dates during the year of application and the following year in the case of creation, and/or provide for a commitment or programming of the creation on at least ten dates during the year of application and/or the following year in the case of circulation.
The third partner may be an artistic designer (author, lighting designer, costume designer, set designer, music designer, etc.) or a producer (festival, venue, etc.) who is artistically involved in the process from its inception.
The grant awarded will constitute an additional contribution of no more than 30% of the overall budget for creation, and 50% for circulation.
Formulaire de candidature au programme Création / Circulation
The Exploration/Research programme
It supports an exploration or research phase with a view to artistic encounters that could lead to a co-production. The project must be submitted by three partners: individual artists or professionals, or members of a structure, or non-profit organisations or associations. The initiative may be taken by a single partner.
However, prospective participants must come from three governments in French-speaking countries (member or observer countries of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie), on at least two continents.
The following may be considered partners: artistic designers (authors, lighting designers, costume designers, set designers, musicians, etc.); producers (festivals, venues, etc.) who are artistically involved in the process from its conception. The maximum grant will be €5,000.
Formulaire de candidature au programme Exploration / Recherche
Applications must be submitted before 22 April 2024, the closing date for the calls for applications for both programmes.
The results will be announced in mid-June after the General Meeting, which this year will be held in Cameroon from 27 May to 1 June 2024.
For further information : https://citf-info.net
À propos de la CITF
La Commission Internationale du Théâtre Francophone (CITF) a été créée en 1987 afin de soutenir la réalisation de projets multilatéraux de création et de circulation théâtrale. Les membres fondateurs : Canada, la France, le Québec et la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, ont depuis été rejoints par l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) et le Grand-Duché du Luxembourg. L’Institut français assure le secrétariat général de la CITF depuis 2022. La CITF a pour but de partager des projets et les expériences, de favoriser la circulation des créateurs et des œuvres dans le milieu du théâtre francophone à travers des aides financières.