Masterclass by Rachid Bouchareb
Follow the masterclass of Rachid Bouchareb, director of Indigènes (Days of Glory) and Hors la loi (Outside the Law), on 13 June at 10 am.
Updated on 26/06/2020
2 min
Sponsor of the the Institut français’ 2020 Fabrique Cinéma programme, Rachid Bouchareb gave a masterclass at the end of May to the 17 film makers and producers from southern and emerging countries who are taking part in this 2020 edition.
It was an opportunity for the director and scriptwriter to explain his career and approach, going back over five of his films that take us from Algeria to Senegal, via the American continent, England and Turkey, and on the themes, central to his work, of immigration (Little Senegal) and racism – “a scourge to be constantly fought around the world” (Indigènes).
Rachid Bouchareb also details his attachment to the process of creating film, from the research – “the part I prefer” – to collaboration with the actors, and recalls the importance of the producers who have placed their trust in him as well as his place within 3B.
Finally, he tells us that he has enriched himself with the stories offered by the young film makers taking part in the Fabrique Cinéma programme. This “new blood” renews it. Remembering his beginnings, the best years when “we see dreams in a big way”, he confides that he would have “liked to be one of the participants”.
Find the complete masterclass on Saturday, June 10 June, from 10 am to 11:30 am on the Institut français Facebook page.
The masterclass given on 29 May and led by Elisabeth Lequeret, a journalist in the RFI Culture Department, took place as part of the partnership between the Institut français and France Médias Monde.
The Fabrique Cinéma programme, sponsored in 2020 by Rachid Bouchareb, promotes the emergence of young creation from Southern countries on the international market. Find out more about La Fabrique Cinéma programme
Discover the 10 film projects of this 2020 edition (portfolio)