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Le Palais Augmenté, le festival des nouvelles perceptions
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Palais Augmenté, the festival of new perceptions on 19 and 20 June 2021

Being the first festival entirely devoted to artistic creation in augmented reality, the Palais Augmenté will take over the brand new Grand Palais éphémère in Paris on 19 and 20 June 2021.

Updated on 17/06/2021

2 min

 The festival, conceived by the RMN Grand Palais and Fisheye, invites artists to multiply our perceptions of reality, entrusting them with the sensitive representation of a world populated by technology. As the public strolls through the space, they will discover works by Mélanie Courtinat, Lauren Moffatt, Mélodie Mousset, Manuel Rossner and Théo Triantafyllidis. Designed for this event, their virtual works are displayed in the monumental space of the Grand Palais éphémère, each in their own way: gigantic, animated or interactive, they manifest their presence to the public through the screens of everyone.

Palais Augmenté : le premier festival de création artistique en réalité augmentée !
Palais Augmenté : le premier festival de création artistique en réalité augmentée !

Young artists have been highlighted in the first edition of the festival. The Gobelins Ecole de l'image is creating a work in augmented reality integrated into the interior tour. The ECAL/École cantonale d'art de Lausanne is also taking part in the festival through a series of augmented reality interventions on the Champ de Mars façade of the building, fully taking up the public space. 

In the hands of the artists, augmented reality becomes a new space of freedom and creation: new ways of feeling, anticipating future worlds and forms of connecting with others. A format that allows us to witness hybrid and multiple realities, intertwined with each other, where emptiness gives way to ongoing potential.

The Institut français and the festival

The French augmented reality works presented during the Palais augmenté Festival will be broadcasted internationally as part of Novembre Numérique (Digital November) 2021. 

Find out more about Novembre Numérique 


The Institut français and Fisheye are partners for the Résidence d'écriture immersive Institut français - Les Ailleurs Arles (Immersive writing residency). 

Find out more about this residency


The offering of the Grand Palais Immersif / Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais (RMN-GP) is presented in the « Digital Mediation and Cultural Innovation » Catalogue. 

Find out more about the « Digital Mediation and Cultural Innovation » Catalogue 

L'institut français, LAB