Participation of the Institut français in the first Génération LabelFrancÉducation regional forum
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of LabelFrancÉducation, the first Génération LabelFrancÉducation regional forum will be held in Varna, Bulgaria, bringing together students and teachers from 28 accredited schools, as well as representatives in charge of educational cooperation from the French embassies in 13 European countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia.
Updated on 03/10/2022
2 min
The forum will focus on multilingualism in Europe. In line with objectives of the "Let's talk! " campaign during the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2022, the Institut français attaches great importance to the respect and promotion of languages. New communication tools have been developed for this purpose: the kit to support multilingualism and the French language, designed in partnership with France Education International, for pupils and parents, and a fun campaign promoting multilingualism for young people on social networks.
The programme
In Varna, participants will follow thematic workshops on the creation of a student network, responsible and civic use of the media, French as a language of employment, intercultural skills and environmental issues.
The Institut français will run a workshop and present programmes for teachers to use in the classroom (Pépites Internationales, Alors on Chante, IFcinema, Culturethèque and many others) but also for discussion and training (IFprofs).
The forum is organised by the Institut français of Bulgaria, with the support of the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), the Institut français and the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE), in partnership withFrance Education International and the Centre for Media and Information Education (CLEMI).
What is LabelFrancÉducation?
Created in 2012, it is awarded by the MEAE to French-speaking bilingual courses of excellence offering enhanced teaching of the French language and at least one non-linguistic subject in French, in accordance with the official curriculum of the host country.
In 2021, the network covered 523 French-speaking bilingual courses in 62 countries.