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Penser l'Islam

Penser l'islam depuis l'Afrique

Launch of a regional cycle of debate to promote reflection on Islam in Africa, the first stage of which, "Penser l'islam depuis l'Afrique", will take place in Rabat on March 28, 2024.

Updated on 05/04/2024

2 min

While the Sahara has been an area of exchange and circulation for Islam and Islamic thought since the 8th century, studies on Islam in Africa have traditionally been compartmentalized, focusing on either North Africa or sub-Saharan Africa. The "Islam and Societies" regional cycle of debates provides a regional perspective between Morocco and Senegal, giving a better understanding of the global dynamics of Islam in the region as a whole.  

Co-constructed by the Institut français du Maroc et du Sénégal and the Institut français, this series brings together leading figures from academia and civil society, mainly from Morocco, Senegal and France. This regional debate project also complements the research seminar "Penser l'Islam depuis la France, le Maroc et le Sénégal - Approches comparatistes et pluridisciplinaires", initiated by the Centre Jacques Berque, the Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales and the Université Internationale de Rabat.

This regional cycle of debate consists of two stages:

  1. The first stage, "Penser l'islam depuis l'Afrique" ("Thinking about Islam from an African perspective"), will take place on March 28 in Rabat, with the aim of highlighting the work of thinkers on Islam in Africa, while examining the issues of transmission, circulation and practice of Islam on the African continent and within African diasporas; 
  2. The second stage, devoted to reflection between Islam and feminist approaches, will take place in Senegal next October.

Penser l’islam depuis l’Afrique

On March 28, the Abderrahim Bouabid Foundation will be hosting a live broadcast of the "Penser l'islam depuis l'Afrique" (Thinking about Islam from an African perspective) discussion evening. The event will bring together French, Moroccan and Senegalese researchers, artists and civil society representatives. 

The first round table, "Penser l'islam depuis l'Afrique: what contribution have African thinkers of Islam made on an international scale?" will feature the participation of Youssouf Sangaré, Amadou Hamidou Diallo, Penda Mbow and Youssef Belal. They will discuss the visibility and invisibility of African thinkers on Islam in the Muslim world, and their intellectual and theological value.

In the second round table, Bakary Sambe, Othman El Kheloufi, Ndella Paye and Sophie Bava will discuss "Transformations of African religious knowledge: transmission, practices and circulations". Several issues will be addressed, including the contribution of Africa (as a continent and as a Muslim religious space) to knowledge on Islam, as well as the heritage of African knowledge on Islam and its circulation in African training centers and outside Africa, in debates and exchanges within the community of Islamic scholars.

The two round tables will be moderated by Mahamet Timera, a specialist in migration and ethnic, racial and religious identification.

Click here to access the live webcast of the event on the Institut français du Maroc Facebook page, from 8:15 pm (Morocco and Senegal time), 9:15 pm (Paris time).  

L'institut français, LAB