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Reflecting Residencies
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Reflecting Residencies Conference: artists’ residencies seen through the prism of current concerns

The Institut français is partner of Arts en résidence – Réseau national, for the first edition of the Reflecting residencies conference, which is being held on 22 and 23 October 2020, at the Carreau du Temple, in Paris. Two days of round tables, workshops and focus with more than 40 professionals, artists, representatives of structures and international networks

Updated on 27/04/2022

2 min

For more than 25 years, the Institut français has been developing and supporting artists’ residencies in France and the world. For an artist, being hosted in a residency is an essential stage in their career and allows them to broaden their experience, reinforce their professional networks and reach new audiences. This is why the Institut français wanted to partner with Arts en résidence – a network and platform for artist residency providers in France, and support the Reflecting residencies conference, the objective of which is to analyse a varied selection of residency programmes in France and around the world.

Initially planned for March 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic, Reflecting Residencies is now organised in the context of a world shaken up by the Covid-19 crisis. Collaborations, exchange of ideas and movement of people internationally, will be addressed with new resonance and this symposium will be the opportunity to confirm how important they are.

On the programme: round tables, workshop and artistic creation

The debates will take place around two major lines of reflection: on one hand, the development and the perenniality of international exchanges in residency programmes, and on the other, territorial development through residencies in the private sector and their collaboration with public players.

Round tables are made up of a panorama of the theme treated followed by a series of inspiring examples presented by professionals, and finally a focus that will highlight a specific experience. As the artists are at the heart of the conference’s themes, several presentations of artists’ works are programmed across the two days (performance, videos, project presentations, etc.).

This conference is also the opportunity for the Institut français to present new residency programmes developed in partnership with the French cultural network abroad, like the Villa Saint Louis Ndar, or programmes supported by European funds: i-Portunus and Be Mobile, Create Together.

Digital professional workshops, linked to the symposium’s themes, are provided online as satellite actions of Reflecting Residencies, allowing everyone to develop their skills in residency experiences. Make a note of your online appointment every Thursday circling around the conference, from 11am to 12.30pm.

Find out more about the detailed programme

Practical information

Thursday 22 October 2020, from 10am to 6pm

Friday 23 October 2020, from 10am to 5.15pm


Le Carreau du Temple

2 rue Perrée

75003 Paris


This event is free and open to all, on registration via this link.  

* Please be aware that the workshops are open to a limited number of people.


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Arts en résidence – Réseau national
The Institut français and the event

The Institut français is present during the Reflecting Residencies conference to present several of its residency programs.

Find out more about the residences of the Institut français


L'institut français, LAB