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BRUTHER - Concours de l’Extension du Campus de l’université Torcuato di Tella
© DR

The BRUTHER firm wins the contract for the Extension of the Di Tella University Campus!

Torcuato di Tella University (UTDT) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, held a competition for the construction of a new building and a new central square. The jury selected the proposal of the Parisian agency BRUTHER, accompanied by the studios IR and MoGS of Buenos Aires as local partners. This Franco-Argentine collaboration was made possible by the Institut français of Argentina, with the support of the Institut français in the framework of the "Cultural and creative industries" call for projects in 2022. 

Published on 28/02/2023

2 min

The winning project has a major objective: to connect all the buildings on the campus, through a subtle adjustment of levels, and to create a new ground level with a large interior square. This square, or agora, is an open space that provides visual continuity with the university grounds.

The project also includes two new spaces dedicated to teaching, a university restaurant, a cafeteria and an impressive green terrace.

The jury was composed of Mariano Clusellas (architect and Professor at UTDT), Juan José Cruces (Rector of UTDT), Marcelo Faiden (architect and Dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Studies at UTDT), Bernardo Kosacoff (President of the UTDT Board of Directors), Karina Román (member of the UTDT Board of Directors) and Ernesto Schargrodsky (Full Professor and member of the UTDT Board of Directors).

L'institut français, LAB