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“The experience of war: a dialogue between cultural players”

Thursday 30 November  - 11.30-12.30: “The experience of war: a dialogue between cultural players”. 

Updated on 24/11/2023

2 min

In different eras, and different environments, Dejan Ubovic and Mykhailo Glubokyi both experienced war—in Serbia and the Balkans for the former, and Ukraine for the latter. They will engage a conversation, as cultural entrepreneurs, to evoke what underlies their mobilisation in support of citizens and artists, and trace solidary paths that a shared sense of European belonging makes it possible to explore.

Moderator: Rasa Tapinienė, LRT TV journalist and presenter 


Mykhailo Glubokyi
Mykhailo Glubokyi
Development director, Izolyatsia. A platform for cultural initiatives (Ukraine)
Mykhailo has been a part of the foundation since 2011, implementing site-specific, participatory community-oriented cultural projects and contributing to turning various industrial sites into vibrant cultural spaces. Since 2021, he has also been a board member of one of the oldest European networks of cultural centres, Trans Europe Halles, and a member of the consortium implementing the Creative Europe mobility scheme for artists and cultural professionals, “i-Portunus”. Since 2019, Mykhailo has focused on collaboration with local communities, capacity building for rural areas, support for cultural decentralisation and international collaborations, programs, and exchanges, especially in the East of Ukraine and Eastern and Central European regions. Also, beginning in 2014, he has been involved in developing the IZONE creative hub as well as residencies and educational programs for creative entrepreneurs, artists, and cultural professionals. Since 2022 he is involved into various programs to support Ukrainian displaced communities, and artists and cultural professional affected by the Russian invasion to Ukraine.
Dejan Ubovic
Dejan Ubovic
Director of GRAD – European Center for Culture and Debate (Serbia)
Dejan Ubovic studied anthropology and project management in Belgrade. In the late ‘90s he was working as a journalist on at that time independent radio stations - Studio B and then Radio B92 where he initiated first weekly radio show after the war in Balkans which included 14 cities / radio stations from all countries of former Yugoslavia. At the same time (march 2000.) he was a founder of Cultural Front NGO. CF was the leading organization in many different projects in Serbia but as well across the Balkans– regional festivals, conferences, exhibitions etc. In 2009, he founded and became the director of European center for culture and debate - GRAD in former industrial building in the area of the river front in central Belgrade. Grad was a joint project of Cultural Front and Felix Meritis center from Amsterdam with the objective to establish sustainable cultural center in Serbia. In the first decade, Grad became meeting point and “safe house” for many young initiatives, organizations and events, such as Pride week, civil society organizations dealing in the different fields, independent publishing houses, etc. In 2012. he was a founder of Association of independent cultural scene of Serbia which today has more than 80 members and its oriented to advocacy regarding the civils society ecosystem in Serbia. In 2020. he initiated “Museum of the ‘90s” as a regional center for reconciliation, education and future cooperation. He is also an active member of the Strategy group of an European initiative “A Soul for Europe”.
L'institut français, LAB