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Création Africa - Séries Mania
© Madame Bovary, œuvre générée par IA

The Institut français at the Series Mania festival in Lille

The Series Mania festival (15–22 March) has become the biggest international television series event, celebrating the best of the French and international series. 

As part of the industry side of the festival, the Series Mania Forum (19–21 March), the Institut français is implementing several actions in partnership with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Unifrance and the CNC. 

Updated on 19/03/2024

2 min

The Institut français is supporting African creation at Series Mania

Supported by the Fonds Équipe France Création (FEF Création) of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), the Institut français is promoting African audiovisual creation by hosting a delegation of 20 series professionals (producers, scriptwriters, distributors, etc.) from the African continent (South Africa, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal). They will benefit from exclusive access to this major professional event in the sector and the opportunity to initiate meetings and collaborations with French, European and international professionals. 

In order to welcome this delegation and give them visibility and space to set up their professional meetings, a Création Africa pavilion will be set up in the Series Mania Forum with the support of the MEAE. 

In addition to the rich programme of the Series Mania Forum, the Institut français and its partners will be hosting special events for the delegation. An "African Talents & Industry Breakfast" networking event will be held on 19 March in partnership with Authentica Series Lab to celebrate African creation. To mark International Francophonie Day, on 20 March, a French language fiction lunch organised by the Union Syndicale de la Production Audiovisuelle (USPA) will allow French-speaking producers to meet and celebrate the creativity and appeal of French-speaking audiovisual production. 

The Institut français also supports the Deental Series Workshop residency-exchange organised by the CNC, Series Mania and Dakar Séries, aimed at producers and scriptwriters from the ACP nations, which begins with Series Mania and ends with Dakar Séries. Five pairs of producers and scriptwriters from South Africa, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Suriname have been selected for support in the development of their series project before a final pitch session at Dakar Séries in May. 

The French audiovisual network abroad in the spotlight

The French audiovisual network abroad is increasingly embracing the television series sector and is implementing numerous actions to support French and international professionals in the field.

The Institut français, in partnership with MEAE and Unifrance, will highlight the role of the network during a round table on 20 March, moderated by Emmanuelle Denavit-Feller, a regional audiovisual representative based in South Africa. Television series professionals supported by the network across the globe will share their experience: Marie-Laure Héblard(Film & Picture), Bartolomeu Luiz (Arruda Filmes) and Elias Ribeiro (Reality Institute). The round table will be followed by a networking breakfast. 

Professionnels invités

Liste des professionnels invités par l’Institut français à Séries Mania, dans le cadre du programme Création Africa :

  • Julia Cabrita Diatta, Sénégal – directrice commerciale, Marodi TV
  • Kalista Sy, Sénégal – scénariste, productrice
  • Toumani Sangaré, Sénégal – producteur, Directeur Kourtrajmé Dakar
  • Magdalene Reddy, Afrique du Sud – directrice, Durban Film Mart Institute
  • Ramadan Suleman, Afrique du Sud – producteur, réalisateur, Natives at Large
  • Bongiwe Selane, Afrique du Sud – productrice, réalisatrice, Blingola medias
  • Nameita Touré, Côte d'Ivoire – réalisatrice, productrice, Studio TSK
  • Laurent Bitty, Côte d'Ivoire – producteur, Les Films du continent
  • Alex Ogou, Côte d'Ivoire – producteur, Plan A production
  • Enyi Omreruah, Nigeria – réalisateur producteur
  • Ike Yemoh, Ghana – producteur, AKA Entertainment
  • Christiane Chabi Kao, Bénin – scénariste, réalisatrice
  • Hervé Malauka, République Démocratique du Congo – producteur
  • Tousmy Kilo, République Démocratique du Congo – producteur
  • Elisabeth Tawiti, République Démocratique du Congo – réalisatrice, scénariste
  • Eugene Mbugua, Kenya – producteur, scénariste, D&R Production
  • Hussein Kurji, Kenya – producteur, Xeinium
  • Mary Wanjiku, Kenya – productrice, Studio M&A
L'institut français, LAB