The Institut français supports the Salon du Livre Africain de Paris
For its 2nd edition, the Salon du Livre Africain de Paris will be held at the town hall of the 6th arrondissement, from 17 to 19 March 2023. A stand will be dedicated to two Institut français projects, Ressources éducatives and Livres des deux rives, during the "Carrefour des droits et Prix littéraires" on 17 March from 9.30am to 11:30am.
Published on 15/03/2023
2 min
The Salon du Livre Africain de Paris will bring together more than 200 authors, 80 publishers and booksellers, media and institutions from the African continent. This year, Guinea is the guest of honour. Among the many authors expected are Sami Tchak, Ernis, Yamen Manaï, Marguerite Abouet, Eugène Ebodé, Calixthe Belaya, Fawzia Zouari and Abdelkader Djemaï. The literary programme will resonate with other facets of African cultures, through some twenty debates, exhibitions, shows (slam, poetry, storytelling, music) and screenings throughout the weekend.

Reflecting on the place of children's literature in Africa with Ressources éducatives
The Ressources éducatives project run by the Institut français and financed by AFD is supporting the Salon in its reflection on the challenges of developing children's literature in French-speaking Africa, in particular by supporting the organisation of a round table during the professional day on 17 March at 2pm, which will bring together several publishers from West Africa and Madagascar as well as the Ressources éducatives project manager.
Supporting the international circulation of African literature with Livres des deux rives
The mission of the Salon organiser is to promote African books by supporting authors, publishers and the entire book chain on the African continent, the distribution and promotion of their catalogue, in African languages as well as in French, English, Arabic and Portuguese. These missions, overlapping with those of the Livres des deux rives project, are based in particular on support for professional mobility. Support will be offered to two visiting Tunisian professionals who are working to improve the dissemination of works and ideas between the two shores of the Mediterranean: Zakia Bouassida, audiobook publisher, and Sami Mokaddem, writer and publisher.
Admission to the Salon is free and the programme, full list of participants and details of signing sessions can be found at www.salondulivreafricaindeparis.com.