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The Villa Kujoyama laureates for 2025

Meeting on June 20, 2024, the final selection jury of Villa Kujoyama designated 14 projects led by 17 artists, who will be hosted in residence for a duration of 4 to 6 months in Kyoto in 2025. 

Updated on 02/08/2024

2 min

Villa Kujoyama
Villa Kujoyama

Les lauréats et les lauréats

  • Émilie BROUT & Maxime MARION  / moëra, in the Digital Creation discipline, for a 4-month residency.
  • ​​​​​Agathe CHARNET / Himono-onna 干物女: What to bring into the world today? in the Theater discipline, for a 5-month residency.
  • César DEBARGUE / Floating Clouds, in the Visual Arts discipline, for a 4-month residency.
  • Régis FLOURY / TARSIA A TOPPO & YOSEGI ZAIKU, in the Crafts discipline, for a 5-month residency.
  • Mark GEFFRIAUD / Traditional Japanese Architecture, a Contemporary Ecology, in the Visual Arts discipline, for a 6-month residency.
  • Domitille MARTIN / Moving Worlds, in the Street Arts, Circus, Puppetry discipline, for a 4-month residency.
  • Théo MOUZARD and Marine ROYER / Post-architecture - Taking care and repairing in the face of disasters in Japanese rurality: from resource to place, from landscape to object, in the Architecture, Landscape, Urbanism discipline, for a 4-month residency.
  • Mona OREN / The Hazé Wax, a treasure to explore! in the Crafts discipline, for a 5-month residency.
  • Delphine PANIQUE / "Things that lose when painted" (provisional title), in the Comics discipline, for a 4-month residency.
  • Maël PÉNEAU / Mid-0, in the Contemporary Music and Jazz discipline, for a 4-month residency.
  • Martin PLANCHAUD / Shokudo, in the Gastronomy discipline, for a 5-month residency.
  • Grégoire SCHALLER and Darius DOLATYARI-DOLATDOUST / grieving, in the Dance discipline, for a 4-month residency.
  • Vincent TUSET-ANRÈS / Panorama of the Artist's Book in Japan / Traditional Know-how and Contemporary Practices, in the Design / Graphics discipline, for a 4-month residency.
  • Marion VIDAL / JEWEL-BAMBOO & other fashion accessories, in the Fashion discipline, for a 5-month residency. 

The Villa Kujoyama

The call for applications for residencies in 2026 will open in spring 2025 on this page


The Villa Kujoyama is an arts establishment belonging to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs cultural cooperation network. Operated by the Institut français in Japan, it works in coordination with the Institut français and is supported by the Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation, its principal patron. 

L'institut français, LAB