
© Fototala King Massassy
Project support
Culture in the Sahel Mobility Fund
From 9 September 2022 to 9 November 2022
Foreign professionals
This mobility fund is a programme of the Culture and Solidarity Partnerships Department within the Institut français in collaboration with the Cooperation and Cultural Action Services (SCAC) of the French Embassies in Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad. This programme supports mobility within the G5 Sahel zone, and also towards Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal (or exceptionally towards another country of the continent or towards France).
Applications are closed
This mobility fund is a project grant open to artists, civil society stakeholders and cultural professionals from the G5 Sahel countries: Burkina-Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad.
Mobility to Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal, or exceptionally to another country of the Continent or to France, may also be possible for Sahel stakeholders, particularly for collective participation in major professional and cultural events.
This fund aims to:
1 / Promote mobility projects based on proposals put forward by structures or associations (collective or individual mobility)
2 / Support mobility for:
- Professional platforms, market development
- Conferences, seminars, regional forums and debates
- Participation in major artistic and ICC events on the Continent
- Research and creative residencies and artistic collaborations
- Training courses, workshops