Project support
ICC Immersion
ICC Immersion, international immersion programme for the cultural and creative industries
As part of France 2030, the government's investment plan for the France of tomorrow, ICC Immersion is being implemented in partnership with the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts Group). The programme draws on the joint expertise of the Institut français, the French Ministry of Culture, the diplomatic and cultural networks of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Business France and its offices abroad.
ICC Immersion aims to give participating companies an in-depth understanding of the ecosystems of their target countries, providing assistance with defining their strategies in light of the challenges and constraints of local markets, and allowing them to benefit from networking and immersion in the target countries in order to promote business opportunities.
Companies will be put in contact with local innovation stakeholders, partners, financial backers and clients through tailored meetings and attendance at key events for the relevant industries.

A three-year program, all over the world
More than 50 companies from different sectors of the cultural and creative industries are currently supported by their development in 5 markets rich in opportunities:
Selection processes are currently underway for the following programs, which will support 35 new companies:
- United Arab Emirates
- Spain
- South Korea (2nd edition)
ICC Immersion continues its expansion in 2024 into new territories.
- Saudi Arabia
- India
- Australia
- Italy
> Call for applications opens on January 16, 2024.
- Denmark/Sweden
> Call for applications opens in spring 2024.
- South Africa
- Mexico
> Call for applications opens in the fall of 2024.

ICC Immersion offers programmes adapted to each country, combining group and individual sessions, for optimal preparation and tailor-made support.
ICC Immersion encourages an extended immersion for companies, covering 3 phases:
- A hybrid immersion based in Paris, lasting between one or two months ; it aims to give the selected companies an in-depth knowledge of the ecosystem of the country concerned, to assist them in their definition of their strategy with regard to the challenges and constraints of the local market, and to organise the networking that could lead to market opportunities.
- A collective immersion, as a group, on site, lasting one to two weeks ; this aims to verify/reinforce the opportunities highlighted during phase 1, to identify and be identified by all the potential partners in their sectors.
- A complementary individual immersion, made to measure, from several weeks to several months, depending on the needs and development opportunities identified. This third stage, which is optional, will be subject to a specific request from the company and selection by the jury at the end of stage 2.
Eligibility and sectors of activity concerned
ICC Immersion is aimed at innovative French companies*, active in one or more sectors of the cultural and creative industries - audiovisual, cinema, video games, live performances, music, museums and heritage, visual arts, design, architecture, crafts, books and press, as well as the related sectors of fashion and communication for the creative part of their activity - with strong international potential and a development project for a target market.
Depending on the opportunities identified in the markets, sectors or themes are prioritised according to the programmes.
Each geographical branch of the programme will host a cohort of 10 to 15 companies.
A jury composed of the Institut français, Business France, the cultural services of the embassies of the target countries and French and foreign personalities will be set up for each programme to select the best profiles. The innovative nature of the activity or project developed by the company and its relevance to the target market will be taken into account. The selection committee will also pay particular attention to the societal and environmental ambitions of the applicant companies.
*Company in the sense of European Union law, i.e. any entity that carries out an economic activity, whatever its legal status. This includes companies in the legal sense of the term, as well as associations and public establishments involved in an entrepreneurial approach and carrying out a commercial activity
ICC Immersion en vidéos

France 2030: placing France at the forefront of cultural and creative content production and immersive technologies
As we learned during the crisis, living better also means living in the imagination of the French humanism that constitutes us. The cultural and creative industries shape our imaginations - in particular those of our children -, filter our access to information, and impose representations and heroes.
France, a country of literature, philosophy, theatre, cinema, music and video games, must continue to make its voice heard by promoting its cultural heritage and developing new content and experiences. Our partners are investing in these industries, which represent 640,000 jobs and 91 billion euros in turnover in France. Public intervention will make it possible to trigger investments and assist in the creation of industries, alongside the private sector.
It is a question of investing in a very concrete way: in our studios, in new technologies offering immersive experiences, and in the training of futurs professionals. The objective will also be to make our ecosystem of immersive technologies (video games, augmented reality, virtual reality, etc.) a world leader.
Placing France once again at the forefront of the cultural and creative industries and content production is one of the key objectives of France 2030, an investment plan launched by the President of the Republic on 12 October 2021, to which 1 billion euros will be allocated in various different fields.
The ambition of France 2030 is to transform key sectors of our economy through technological and industrial innovation and to position France as a leader in the world of tomorrow, by investing in 10 key objectives based on three challenges: better production, better living and better understanding of our world.
Operation supported by the French Government within the "Creating international immersion programmes" framework of France 2030 and operated by the Banque des Territoires - Groupe Caisse des Dépôts.
Programme implemented by the Institut français and Business France.
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