"Together for nature", from 3 to 5 February 2023 in Algiers
In the wake of the Africa-France summit held in Montpellier in October 2021, which aimed to lay the foundations for a new relationship between Africa and France, and more broadly Europe, a series of nine regional forums (three forums per year over three years) entitled "Our Future" was launched by the Institut français in Paris and the network of Instituts français in Africa.
The first forum took place in South Africa (6-8 October 2022) and dealt with new paths to democracy, seen in particular from the perspective of modes of action. The second forum, which took place in Cameroon (1-3 December 2022), addressed the topic of civic engagement. The last forum in this first cycle will take place in Algeria from 3 to 5 February 2023 and will address environmental issues.
Updated on 17/01/2023
5 min
The aim is to engage citizens' ecological responsibility by raising awareness of the environmental consequences of our lifestyles, consumption and production, by putting our relationship with nature at the heart of the debate. The impact of climate change on our daily lives and the need to adapt our lifestyles will be the main theme of the debates, to allow everyone to participate in innovative changes.
Four key themes will be addressed
Producing better: understanding tomorrow's production methods; what innovations can be used to change our production practices (industry, local and environmentally friendly agriculture, sustainable fishing and aquaculture, etc.).
Consuming better: food waste, fashion/fast fashion, product life cycle and upcycling.
Living in the world!: Adaptation and resilience of cities to climate change and the return to traditional and environmentally friendly building methods. What are the habitats of tomorrow?
Engaging and transmitting: how to strengthen eco-citizenship and the tools needed to raise environmental awareness of citizens. How to ensure genuine citizen engagement in environmental governance.