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Villa Kujoyama (Japon)
© Kenryou GU

Discover Villa Kujoyama's prizewinners for 2024

Meeting on 4 July 2023, the Villa Kujoyama final selection committee has chosen 14 projects presented by 16 artists, who will be in residency for periods of 4 to 6 months in Kyoto during 2024. 

The Villa Kujoyama is an arts establishment belonging to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs cultural cooperation network. Operated by the Institut français in Japan, it works in coordination with the Institut français and is supported by the Bettencourt-Schueller Foundation, its principal patron. 

Updated on 24/07/2023

2 min

Les lauréates et lauréats pour l'année 2024

●    Nina Fradet / Poetics of line, arts and crafts, for a 5-month residency

●    Tsirihaka Harrivel / Tropisme martial, circus, for a 4-month residency

●    Dimitry Hlinka and Nicolas Pinon / La fibre végétale en 3 axes de recherche, arts and crafts, for a 4-month residency

●    Maxime Matias / Représenter l’intangible, design, for a 4-month residency

●    Louise Mutrel / Dekotokami, photography, for a 5-month residency

●    Simon Nicaise / La cuve et le ferment, visual arts, for a 4-month residency

●    Noël Picaper / Yakitecture, notes sur une architecture de la combustion, for a 4-month residency

●    Pomme / Interprétation artistique libre des œuvres de Miyazaki, contemporary music, for a 4-month residency

●    Emmanuel Ruben / TThéorie des archipels, literature, for a 4-month residency

●    Lauren Tortil / Du son pour faire silence, visual arts, for a 4-month residency

●    Jeanne Vicerial and Julia Cima / "trÂme", dance, for a 4-month residency

●    Maguelone Vidal / La musique est dans la parole, contemporary music, for a 6-month residency

●    Ulla Von Brandenburg / Ombres et textiles, visual arts, for a 5-month residency

●    Alain Willaume/ Fêlures failles et fragment, photography, for a 4-month residency. 

Next call for applications

The call for applications for residencies in 2025 will open in spring 2024. All relevant information will be available here

L'institut français, LAB