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Jeux Made in France
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Jeux Made in France, French-style independent video games at Paris Games Week 2023

Jeux Made in France has been a fixture of Paris Games Week for a decade now, and is a must-attend event for French independent video game creators. 

Updated on 24/10/2023

5 min

Supported by Capital Games, the Île-de-France video game cluster, this initiative showcases the creations of French independent studios in a custom-designed space at the heart of Paris Games Week, France's biggest public video game trade fair. 

5 days of French independent creativity

This year's event will be held from 1 to 5 November 2023, in Hall 1 of Paris Games Week. Covering 600 sq.m, 24 French studios will be immersing themselves in French creation with some of the most eagerly awaited games and biggest surprises of the year. Whether it's adventure, role-playing or strategy games, there's something for everyone. Visitors to the stand will not only be able to try out the various creations, but also take part in a wide range of activities, including demos, competitions, tournaments, interviews and exhibitions. They can also talk to the production teams. 

Jeux Made in France 2023 - Trailer d'événement
Jeux Made in France 2023 - Trailer d'événement

An online experience

In a bid to make the event accessible to everyone, Jeux Made In France will be broadcasting live on Twitch throughout the event. Gamecasters Hiuuugs and Pépipin will be hosting the event with a variety of activities, including round tables and interviews (AI and video games, Women In Games, dubbing, etc), games and esports tournaments. A packed and varied programme bringing Jeux Made In France into your home! 

Launch of partnership with the Institut français

The opening of Jeux Made in France will also be an opportunity to publicise a new support scheme offered to the cultural network by Capital Games and the Institut français: Games Made in France Satellites. The aim of this scheme is to make it easier for the French cultural network abroad and its partners to organise online and/or face-to-face events, in close collaboration with Capital Games and its event partner NTWU, in order to jointly promote and introduce the best of French independent video games to a wide audience on an international scale. 

Jeux Made In France is made possible by the support of the S.E.L.L, the Île-de-France Region and the CNC. The event is organised by Capital Games, the Paris Region video game cluster, in co-production with other regional video game associations. 

L'institut français, LAB