Théâtre du Train Bleu



Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu

2 min

Festival OFF d'Avignon 55th edition will be held from 7 to 31 July 2021. Discover in pictures La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu, three theatres renowned for their artistic excellence and their commitment to contemporary forms and writing, as well as some shows scheduled in Avignon this summer. 


Théâtre du Train Bleu
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Théâtre du Train Bleu

Each year, Théâtre du Train Bleu offers audiences a colourful, political, multi-disciplinary, audacious programme open to contemporary writing and emerging creative practice. 


Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 2/12
© Guillaume Niemetzky
Anaïs Muller, Bertrand Poncet / Cie Shindo - Là où je croyais être il n’y avait personne, au Théâtre du Train Bleu le 10 juillet 2021
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Anaïs Muller, Bertrand Poncet / Cie Shindo - Là où je croyais être il n’y avait personne

At Théâtre du Train Bleu on 10 July 2021. 

In part two of Traités de la Perdition, Ange & Bert, lost and lacking inspiration, must overcome the obstacles in their path and find a way to continue writing their story. What happens in someone’s head when they start to write? Anais Muller and Bertrand Poncet wanted to get as close as possible to French writer Marguerite Duras, to try and see through her eyes and gain an inner understanding of her mode of being in the world and her creative approach. To illuminate the process of writing, they write a story in the manner of their idol: the story of a sister who loves her brother. The sister admits her love to her brother and, on the borders of the forbidden, they risk everything to attempt the inconceivable: the total loss of their identity.

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 3/12
© Charles Chauvet
Vincent Collet / Théâtre de Poche - Aveugles, au Théâtre du Train Bleu le 10 juillet 2021
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Vincent Collet / Théâtre de Poche - Aveugles

At Théâtre du Train Bleu on 10 July 2021. 

How does a group function when it doesn't want to be hierarchical?

Aveugles takes its inspiration from both Yanooa Frideman’s paper Comment vivre avec les autres sans être chef et sans être esclave ? [How to Live With Others Without Being a Leader or a Slave] and Maeterlinck’s 1890 play in which a group of people become lost in a forest and await the return of their guide.

On stage, four actors/characters confront their doubts and their own ways of functioning so they can move forward together and organise an embryonic democracy.

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 4/12
© Aloïs Lecerf
La Manufacture - Château de Saint-Chamand
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La Manufacture - Château de Saint-Chamand

Since it was founded in 2001, La Manufacture has been constructed around various collective dynamics and attempts to create new types of governance, and has sought to inject energy into Festival Off by developing huge sets and extra-mural spaces to enhance technical capacities and create more varied scenography. La Manufacture has introduced a dozen emerging artists that have later gone on to feature in the Festival of Avignon programme. It promotes expansive, multi-disciplinary genres: theatre, dance, performance, music.

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 5/12
© DR
David Lescot - J’ai trop d’amis, à La Manufacture Intra-Muros le 8 juillet 2021
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David Lescot - J’ai trop d’amis

At La Manufacture Intra-Muros on 8 July 2021. 

Do you remember? You were so scared of starting secondary school that it ruined your summer holidays. And then it was back to school time and suddenly you were no longer afraid. That’s when the real problems started. There are a lot of people in the first year at secondary school, much more than in primary. That’s a lot of potential friends and potential enemies. The most important thing is to make sure you have a good reputation. Then you find out that a girl in your class is interested in you. What should you do? Your parents are busy with their own problems. And your two-and-a-half-year-old sister has just started nursery school: she’s hardly going to help. Although...

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 6/12
© Christophe Raynaud de Lage
Pierre Rigal - Bataille, à la Manufacture - Château de Saint-Chamand le 8 juillet 2021
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Pierre Rigal - Bataille

At la Manufacture - Château de Saint-Chamand on 8 July 2021. 

Bataille is a confrontation between two actors: Hassan Razak, a specialist in body percussion, and Pierre Cartonnet, a specialist in acrobatics. This confrontation is a complex, paradoxical, ambiguous battle. Is it a realistic-looking game of bluff or an actual fight? Have the two parties entered into an agreement or is this one-sided violence? Is the violence suffered or accepted? Masochistic or sadistic? This battle plays with oppositions: what is within and outside the narrative, the switch from humour to fear, the back-and-forth between realism and abstraction. 

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 7/12
© Pierre Grosbois
Théâtre des Doms
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Théâtre des Doms

Théâtre des Doms is the South Pole of artistic creation from French-speaking Belgium: it helps to widen the impact of artists and artistic projects from the French Community of Belgium by promoting and hosting performances and artists. 

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 8/12
© Jérôme Van Belle
Ilyas Mettioui / Le Boréal - Ouragan, au Théâtre des Doms le 9 juillet 2021
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Ilyas Mettioui / Le Boréal - Ouragan

At Théâtre des Doms on 9 July 2021. 

Ouragan depicts a sleepless night for Abdeslam, a delivery rider. Or “cyclist delivery partner”, as they call it. Partner in misery. A disposable worker, an ephemeral object. Alone in his apartment, drowning in the fumes of his dark thoughts, he tries to find his place in the world... With a tender absurdity, Ilyas Mettioui captures the unbearable lightness of being uberised in the urban jungle.

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 9/12
© Karolina Maruszak
Magrit Coulon - Home, au Théâtre des Doms le 9 juillet 2021
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Magrit Coulon - Home

At Théâtre des Doms on 9 July 2021. 

Poetic choreography in a typical old people’s home. In an astonishing feat, very young actors offer an accurate and appropriate portrayal of our elders. Bodies are transformed in a piece of pure theatricality, understated and respectful of the research undertaken in care homes by the director. This uncompromising first work will make audiences laugh and cry, its real-life material touching on the human condition, inexorably ageing.

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 10/12
© Margot Briand
Cie Belova-Iacobelli - Tchaika, au Théâtre des Doms le 9 juillet 2021
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Cie Belova-Iacobelli - Tchaika

At Théâtre des Doms on 9 July 2021. 

What is left of an artist once they bid adieu to their art? A old actress in her twilight years returns to the boards for one last curtain call.

In the wings, she no longer knows what she’s doing there. A young woman emerges from the darkness to remind her: she is there to perform the role of Arkadina in Tchekhov’s The Seagull.

An unsettling adaptation, for an actress and a puppet. An extraordinary encounter with an inanimate character who leaves a lasting impact on the heart.

Festival OFF d'Avignon : La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu 11/12
© Michael Galvez
Cie Belova-Iacobelli - Tchaika, au Théâtre des Doms le 9 juillet 2021


Theatre / Dance / Circus

The Institut français and the event

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Institut français organises the Focus Spectacle Vivant (Performing Arts), from 7 to 11 July in Avignon, with the Festival d'Avignon, LAPAS (l’Association des Professionnels de l’Administration du Spectacle), La Manufacture, le Théâtre des Doms and le Théâtre du Train Bleu.

It will be an opportunity to showcase the unique artistic programmes of each of the partner sites, with the aim of promoting the diversity and quality of contemporary French artistic creation and supporting efforts to increase its international impact.

Find out more about the Focus Spectacle Vivant