France-Portugal 2022 Season - The Prime Minister of Portugal and the French Minister for Culture open three exhibitions in Paris
10 minA look back on the visit to France of Mr. Antonio Costa, Prime Minster of Portugal, as part of the France-Portugal 2022 Season and the inaugurations of the “L’âge d’or de la Renaissance portugaise” (The Golden Age of the Portuguese Renaissance) exhibition at the Louvre Museum, “Le reste est ombre (The rest is shadow) – Pedro Costa, Rui Chafes, Paulo Nozolino” at the Centre Pompidou, and “Gulbenkian par lui-même, dans l’intimité d’un collectionneur” (Gulbenkian by himself, the intimate world of a collector) in the gallery dedicated to the temporary exhibitions of the Collection Al Thani at the Hôtel de la Marine.
2/11"L’âge d’or de la renaissance portugaise" (The Golden Age of the Portuguese Renaissance) exhibition at the Louvre Museum
Inauguration in the presence of the Portuguese Prime Minster António Costa, the French and Portuguese Ministers for Culture Rima Abdul Malak and Pedro Adão e Silva, Paulo Cafôfo, Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities, Isabel Cordeiro, Secretary of State for Culture, Jorge Torres-Pereira, Ambassador of Portugal to France, Antonio Feijo, Joaquim Caetano, Director of the Museum of Ancient Art, Laurence des Cars, President of the Louvre Museum, Sébastien Allard, Director of the Department of Paintings – Louvre Museum, Eva Nguyen Binh, President of the Institut français, Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota, Manuela Jùdice, and Victoire di Rosa, President and Curators of the France-Portugal 2022 Season, President of the Gulbenkian Foundation, Carlos Oliveira, Consul General of Portugal, Antonio Monteiro, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Millennium BCP Foundation, representatives of the Sponsors’ Committee of the France-Portugal 2022 Season, and many people from the world of culture.
© Pyramide du Louvre, arch. I. M. Pei, musée du Louvre
Remerciements musée du Louvre
3/11"L’âge d’or de la renaissance portugaise" (The Golden Age of the Portuguese Renaissance) exhibition at the Louvre Museum
The “L'âge d'or de la Renaissance portugaise” exhibition showcases 15 or so painted panels of very beautiful quality and allows visitors to the Louvre to get acquainted with Portuguese painting.
© Pyramide du Louvre, arch. I. M. Pei, musée du Louvre
Remerciements musée du Louvre
4/11"L’âge d’or de la renaissance portugaise" (The Golden Age of the Portuguese Renaissance) exhibition at the Louvre Museum
This current exhibition is based on a scientific collaboration between the National Museum of Ancient Art (MNAA) in Lisbon and the Department of Paintings at the Louvre Museum.
© Pyramide du Louvre, arch. I. M. Pei, musée du Louvre
Remerciements musée du Louvre
5/11"L’âge d’or de la renaissance portugaise" (The Golden Age of the Portuguese Renaissance) exhibition at the Louvre Museum
The exhibition is at the Musée du Louvre from 10 June to 10 October 2022.
© Pyramide du Louvre, arch. I. M. Pei, musée du Louvre
Remerciements musée du Louvre
6/11“Le reste est ombre – Pedro Costa, Rui Chafes, Paulo Nozolino” exhibition at the Centre Pompidou
Inauguration in the presence of the Portuguese Prime Minster António Costa, the French and Portuguese Ministers for Culture Rima Abdul Malak and Pedro Adão e Silva, Clément Beaune, Minister for Europe, Laurent Le Bon, President of the Centre Pompidou, Eva Nguyen Binh, President of the Institut français, Jorge Torres-Pereira, Ambassador of Portugal to France, Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota, Manuela Jùdice, and Victoire di Rosa, President and Curators of the France-Portugal 2022 Season, representatives of the Sponsors’ Committee of the France-Portugal 2022 Season, and many people from the world of culture.
7/11“Le reste est ombre – Pedro Costa, Rui Chafes, Paulo Nozolino” exhibition at the Centre Pompidou
The Centre Pompidou is dedicating a major exhibition to Portuguese artists Pedro Costa, Rui Chafes, and Paulo Nozolino. Visitors, invited to stroll through a deliberately labyrinthine exhibition space and immersed in darkness, experience a complex collective work conceived at the crossroads of the aesthetic and political questions of these three socially conscious artists, throughout the years, in a fruitful collaboration.
8/11“Gulbenkian par lui-même, dans l’intimité d’un collectionneur” exhibition in the gallery dedicated to the temporary exhibitions of the Collection Al Thani at the Hôtel de la Marine
Inauguration in the presence of HH Sheikh Hamad bin Abdullah Al Thani, the Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, the French and Portuguese Ministers for Culture Rima Abdul Malak and Pedro Adão e Silva, Philippe Bélaval, President of the Centre des Monuments Nationaux, António Feijó, President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Eva Nguyen Binh, President of the Institut français, Jorge Torres-Pereira, Ambassador of Portugal to France, Emmanuel Demarcy-Mota, Manuela Jùdice, and Victoire di Rosa, President and Curators of the France-Portugal 2022 Season, and representatives of the Sponsors’ Committee of the France-Portugal 2022 Season.
9/11“Gulbenkian par lui-même, dans l’intimité d’un collectionneur” exhibition in the gallery dedicated to the temporary exhibitions of the Collection Al Thani at the Hôtel de la Marine
The Al Thani Collection Foundation, the Centre des Monuments Nationaux, and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation present the exhibition Gulbenkian par lui-même : dans l’intimité d’un collectionneur, in the gallery dedicated to the temporary exhibitions of the Collection Al Thani at the Hôtel de la Marine.
10/11“Gulbenkian par lui-même, dans l’intimité d’un collectionneur” exhibition in the gallery dedicated to the temporary exhibitions of the Collection Al Thani at the Hôtel de la Marine
The exhibition unveils 90 works of art carefully selected from among this collection’s masterpieces.
The Institut français
The implementation of the Season has been entrusted, for the French portion, to the Institut français.