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Games Made in France Satellites: promoting French independent video games internationally

Members of the French cultural network
The Institut français and Capital Games are offering the French cultural network abroad and its partners a new “Games Made In France Satellites” support system to make it easier to organise events promoting French independent video games internationally.

Since 2020, Capital Games, the video games association in Île-de-France, has been running "Games Made in France", an operation which aims to promote a selection of French independent video games at an online event on Twitch, coupled with a physical event at Paris Games Week. This operation, which has been a great success, demonstrates interest in French independent video games both in France and internationally. 

In 2023, the Institut français and Capital Games are partnering to invite the French cultural network abroad and its partners to launch “Games Made In France” in their countries, by providing them with a new bespoke support system: Games Made in France Satellites.

The aim of GMIF Satellites is to make it easier for the French cultural network abroad and its partners to organise online and/or face-to-face events, in close collaboration with Capital Games and its event partner NTWU, who are used to working with the cultural network, in order to jointly promote and introduce the best of French independent video games to a wide audience on an international scale. 

Des évènements en ligne et/ou en présentiel pour promouvoir le jeu français
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Des évènements en ligne et/ou en présentiel pour promouvoir le jeu français

Renewed every year for 3 years, and based on a selection of games built in conjunction with all the French regional clusters, Games Made in France has become a key presence on the French video gaming landscape. The operation attracts more than one million keen viewers each year and generates nearly 1 million euros in French game sales. 

4 forms of turnkey and modular support for the cultural network

Four support methods with shared management are available to establishments in the cultural network enabling them to organise a GMIF Satellites event in their country. The tailored operations are designed in partnership between the network establishment and its local partners, Capital Games and NTWU.

With a French video game showcase at a trade fair, an online event on Twitch hosted by streamers to reach gamer communities, a presentation of a range of games at an international conference and more, GMIF Satellites events can take various forms online and/or in person, and adapt to the needs of the network and its partners, depending on the local context. 

Read in detail about the means of support in the presentation brochure for the Games Made In France Satellites system.


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Capital Games is a video gaming cluster in Ile-de-France. Its mission is to bring together and support studios, publishers, service providers, the media and schools specialising in video games in Paris and Île-de-France. Capital Games is a testing ground, with its work consisting of organising events on Twitch and Steam, as well as in-person events, and business and mentoring projects, in order to promote the creations and expertise of its members.

NTWU  emerged in 2017 at the initiative of the Drakonia association, after 10 years of experience in the world of e-sports and events. From managing cultural events to providing support and technical implementation, NTWU supports many partners in their video game and e-sport projects, in various formats. NTWU has been supporting Capital Games with the technical aspect of “Games Made in France” since the launch of the operation in 2020.